This past Saturday I had my first ever meeting with my girls for Semillas de Esperanza, and I am happy to say that it was overwhelmingly better than I could have imagined. Before leaving for the states in December, I had mentioned to the girls my idea of using this ministry as something that will not only teach them a skill, but also help us to have good fellowship, discipleship, as well as raising a little bit of money to do something special for these beautiful girls. Apparently, while I was gone they were asking every weekend when I was going to come back and we were going to start, and my FIRST meeting in the tiny little sewing room under the feeding center held 20 girls, myself, and two adult volunteers. I felt so blessed and like things in my life had just clicked into place. I suppose that's God factoring into that.
So, while I have been so blessed with support from family and friends back home, I am afraid that God is turning this into something even bigger than I had imagined, and I will need to purchase more tools so that we can all work together. I have had one teacher from Pinares who was given $100 to bless a ministry of their choice, and after seeing the turn out from our first SDE meeting said that this was the place to put that money. Today I also received an e-mail in which I have some pre-ordered bracelets that will be purchased to benefit another ministry for young girls also.
Stepping out in faith can sometimes be such a difficult decision. What is known is more comfortable than the unknown, and in the decision making process you are reminded of all of your inadequacies and short-comings, but when you do take that step in faith--that plunge as it may seem sometimes, God is there and he will never let you do it on your own.
I was once again very humbled that God has used me to work for him, and I was once again reminded that if I continue to step out in faith, he will bless me with something bigger than I could ever imagine. I knew there in that moment I was in exactly the right place doing the exactly the right thing, and I felt God telling my spirit that I will never be wealthy if I follow him, but I will never be in want.