Top Ten List of Things I'll Miss From The U.S.
I am not creating this list in order to be sappy and sentimental, so please don't be offended that I'm not going to include things like "family" or "friends". Those things are given, and I don't feel the need to state the obvious.
10. The Humane Society Thrift Shop Seeing that probably 1/3 of my wardrobe and belongings come from this place, I will certainly miss it. There is nothing like having the day off and killing an hour or so in this thrift shop, especially when they're having their Ladies' Apparel 50% off.
9. Having A Car For some this would be much further down the list, and to that I would say is in direct proportion to the kind of car you drive. If you are really into your car, like say a restored muscle car, then this would probably top your list. But I drive a 1989 Oldsmobile, hence its position.
8. Take Home Chef. For those of you not familiar with the show, the basic premise is this: Very attractive Australian chef approaches people in the grocery store and goes home with them to help cook a delicious meal. Curtis is amazing...and so beautiful that I watch most of the show giggling because that is what I'm reduced to.
7. What Not To Wear. Now hold on a second before you go off thinking that I am the most shallow person ever.... the show is so funny and they really do a good job making people feel good about themselves and feel more comfortable and confident in their skin. It truly cracks me up though....
6. Stand-up comedy/Sketch Comedy. I am addicted to Comedy Central, VH1, Saturday Night Live, and Strangers with Candy. Comedy on Telemundo will not compare.....
5. U.S. standard plumbing. You can't flush anything down there, and I'm sure everyone has heard of certain digestive/intestinal troubles that Americans can have when traveling in Central America. Put those two together, plus the different quality of toilet paper (and by different I really mean drastically sub-par.....i.e. banana leaves or old newspaper) and you've got a problem that could possible rank number 1 when it comes to your number 2's.
4. Sleeping in. First, let me just lament that my school day will start at 7:00AM with chapel and devotions....lamenting the time, not the action. 7:ooAM is about 2 hours earlier that I'd care to wake up, let alone start my workday. I don't know why they think that children can learn at that hour if adults aren't working on all 8 cylinders?
3. The Beach I don't get to go all that often, but nothing beats a day off going to the beach with nothing but a blanket, a good book or magazine, my iPOD, and laying out and swimming. Follow that up with a trip to the Humane Society Thrift Shop and I have had a perfect day!
2. Target. Man....this one will be so tough. I seriously think I will go through Target withdrawls. I have become more and more dependent on this store since I have decided to boycott Wal-Mart, and I love EVERYTHING at Target! I could seriously wander around the store for hours, and I have to resist not putting myself into debt everytime I enter the store. If it just had an arts section with fabric, paint, and craft supplies then I would never leave. Oh man....this will be so tough.
1. Debit Cards Everywhere!! I never have cash on me. Ever. The only time I ever do is if I return something to a store, and I paid for the item with my debit card, so I get a cash return (i.e. When I buy stuff from Target that I don't need and then return, only to buy more stuff with this new thing called "cash"). I buy everything with my debit. I have no purchase is too small. I have places specifically staked out that take debit. For instance, I work in the mall, and for my lunch or dinner break I only go to 2 places because they are the only ones that take debit. That is also another reason I love the Humane Society Thrift Shop so takes DEBIT!!!!!
hmm, i notice that a/c is not on there
Yeah. I'm actually kind of excited about not having AC. I feel like that way I am not living this cushy self-absorbed life, and I am one step closer to living out my dreams---Living in a tiki hut in the middle of the jungle and having children make me jewelry while I grow and spear my own food. One step closer...
Hey Macayla! Good luck in Honduras! I enjoyed your top ten things you'll miss. Even though I'm living in Louisiana and not Honduras, I will miss target as well. I'm in a little town with not much around except the school. I hope you have an amazing experience down there and live out your dreams! PS. I found your blog through Tara's blog. Take care!
yeah, so are you ever goin to post on here again? gary
You are TOO cute/funny/wonderful. I loved this post. It made me giggle incessantly. I miss you a ton and hope to be able to come visit you. If I find anything that strikes me as a "perfect-for-Macayla" thing, I will send you a package.
Lots of love,
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