




Pray for my housing situation.

I need to stay in the house that I'm currently in, and I feel like I am facing many obstacles. I'm trusting in God to iron out all of these wrinkles, but please pray for me and for staying in this house!


Anonymous said...

please let us know how the housing is going... I know you are busy with the team,but we sure would love to hear from you

Anonymous said...

Give us an update - we miss you!

Tara said...

Are you still in your house?

I miss you! What's new?

Anonymous said...

Hi Macayla!

Long time no see, eh?

How are things going with the housing situation? I hope that everything worked out well.

Things are ok with me. Just wanted to say hi. Finally found the e-mail you sent me back in 2006 (yes, it took a LONG time to find it) so that I could locate your blog again. When I moved into my new house, my parents deleted my favorites off their computer before I could transfer (e.g. write them all down and add them to my new computer).

anyway - longwinded version of I'm sorry for being out of touch.

I tried getting in touch with you before you left, but as you know, you left early. Let me know the next time you are coming to the Sunshine (haha!) State... Hopefully we can sucessfully arrange to hang out!

Do you have Facebook or Myspace?

I miss you and you look great! Lots of love, Colie

Webmistress said...

Dear Macayla.

Where the heck are ya?

I miss you.
