


Anonymous said...

Yay for pictures!!! You look beautiful - as always :)
Thank you so much for the message last night. I hate that i keep missing your calls - we seriously need to talk! But I love you too and it means a lot that you keep calling me (even if all i get is a message)!! Call again soon.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl. What's your e-mail address these days? Mine is bonnieproctor@msn.com. Talk to me.

Bonnie Proctor

Anonymous said...

Hi Macayla! I'm glad to see that your housing situation worked out! Congratulations on the anniversary! Ben and I are back together again. haha. You know us. Can't seem to get away from each other! Yay for best friends being your boyfriend! You look beautiful, healthy and happy! Honduras is good for you! Hope to hear from your soon.

With Love,

Tara said...

Hooray for pictures!!!! You're sooo pretty!
I love you and I'm praying for you lots! I wish I could be there with you!

Anonymous said...

merry christmas macayla!!!!!
give us an update!
if you're in the states, give me a call,
love you love you love you!!

Bob Hedge said...

CALL ME! I'm not working so I am available pretty much anytime. I MISS YOU!!!