
Through my eyes...

I think that all of these pictures are beautiful, but maybe not beautiful in the traditional sense. Beautiful in the traditional sense would be like the ballet or a Michelangelo; but these are not so traditional. These pictures, through my eyes, are beautiful in the sense that slightly crooked teeth are beautiful, laugh lines are beautiful, and lightning storms or really dark thunder clouds in the distance are beautiful.

This is a shot of just an average neighborhood...

This was taken at a park, which is just slightly off the beaten track. All throughout the park are Mayan architecture and places for kids to play. I love it there, and until I find another cool little gem, this is my favorite park.

These pictures were taken while I was waiting for a rapidito to take me home. On Sundays, the rapiditos change their location to this tiny side street, and I was able to talk with these kids and watch them play. I wish I could have been able to join in on the fun, but alas my bus left.

This picture is of the Catedral del Sagrado Corazon just on the outskirts of El Centro. It is not near as big as the main cathedral in the heart of El Centro, but I love all the details in this building. There are also some really cool market streets that fan out from this location, and I always see some kind of street performer or street preaching going on...the cool kind of street preaching and not the soap-box kind.


Anonymous said...

I love these photos .... GOD gives us amazing photo opportunities , and even more opportunities to share his love ....keep up the good work !!

Mrs. M said...

Who are you? Please put your name down there so I can keep track of who all loves me :)

Anonymous said...

I would love to say that I am a tall dark handsome man that admires you from afar ,so overwhelmed by your beauty I am rendered speechless.... but alas , its just your old mom

Anonymous said...

love your blog...wanna come see you...grandma dee

Anonymous said...

gorgeous pictures, macayla! you truly are an amazing photographer. funny, i literally just got your voice-mail today from like 3 weeks ago. Weird. Cingular is playing games with me, I swear. haha. Glad to hear you are having a fun and enlightening time in Honduras. Hopefully I can come see you (next spring/summer - I will have a week off). I miss you! Love, Colie

Tara said...

gorgeous. amazing.
You are the most subtly and sneakily artistic person I know. It is like it faintly seeps from your pores.

Anonymous said...

Isn't God amazing? Our little Macalya a real born missionary.... nothing God does surprises me, and you in Honduras, walking in His will, is no surprise either. He knew this day from the beginning.
Like clay in the hands of the potter so you are in His hands. Jer 18:6
We will pray for you while you have the time of your life.


Anonymous said...

Hello Love! So sorry that I missed your phone call the other night! I have emailed you a few times lately...sounds like things are going SO well for you! I am (and always have been) jealous of your adventurous spirit...you are out there making your mark on the world and having fun while you're doing it - I love it! Wish I was there with ya :) miss you tons...
with much much love,